
Spanish Counterintelligence Report Clears Morocco of Espionage Accusations

KOPI, Madrid – A report from the Spanish counterintelligence center, operating under the auspices of the Spanish Government’s Presidency, has absolved Morocco of any accusation of espionage and interference in Spain’s internal affairs.

This report unequivocally puts to rest all suspicions and accusations directed at the Kingdom of Morocco regarding alleged espionage activities targeting the Spanish Government President Pedro Sánchez and other high-ranking officials, purportedly facilitated by the Pegasus software.

It is worth noting that these allegations had already been refuted by senior Spanish officials in November 2022 during hearings before a committee of the European Parliament investigating the use of the Pegasus software.

Similarly, the Spanish National Court had decided, back in July 2023, to close the Pegasus case due to lack of evidence. (PERSISMA/Red)


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