
US Secretary of State Commends HM the King’s Leadership in Advancing Peace & Security

KOPI, Washington – US Secretary of State Marco Rubio commended the leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI in advancing regional and global peace and security.

In a press release released Monday in Washington following a phone call with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, the US Secretary of State stressed the importance of the US-Moroccan strategic partnership in advancing regional and global peace and security, hailing the leadership of His Majesty the King in this context.

Discussions also focused on the implementation of the ceasefire agreement in Gaza, the release of the hostages, and Morocco’s leadership in contributing humanitarian aid for Gaza, the State Department spokesperson said in a press release.

The head of American diplomacy also expressed the US willingness to cooperate intensively with Morocco in advancing shared interests in the region and ending conflicts, including building on the Abraham Accords.

During this call, Rubio and Bourita also affirmed the importance of expanding trade, investment, and commercial cooperation that would benefit Americans and Moroccans, the State Department concluded. (PERSISMA/Red)


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