
Spain’s National Police Arrest Two Alleged Daesh Supporters in Joint Operation with Morocco’s DGST

KOPI, Madrid – The Spanish National Police on Friday, 18 October 2024, announced the arrest in northern Spain of two individuals presumed to be members of the terrorist organization Daesh, in an operation carried out in collaboration with Morocco’s General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST).

The suspects were arrested in the cities of Itsasondo (Guipúzcoa) and Avilés (Asturias), for their alleged involvement in the crimes of indoctrination, dissemination of terrorist propaganda and incitement to commit violent acts, the Spanish police said in a statement.

The investigations have shown that the suspects were under strict surveillance since the beginning of the year due to their suspicious activities on social media, where they were spreading messages in support of Daesh, inciting violence and terrorism.

The operation, carried out under the supervision of the Central Court of Investigation in coordination with the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Spain’s National Court, was supported by the DGST, according to the Spanish National Police, which stated that thanks to this collaboration, many terrorists have been arrested in recent years.

This international cooperation “is essential” to strengthen the effectiveness of the fight against terrorism, thanks to the outstanding professionalism and in-depth knowledge of the terrorist threat of the services involved, it is stressed.

It also illustrates the sustained commitment to combating terrorism both on Spanish territory and beyond, within the framework of international partnerships, “a strategic priority for the national police,” the press release concluded. (PEERSISMA/Red)


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